Strawberry Fair Coming up

The Strawberry fair is a way of showing the appreciation of our local agricultural. With that the festival celebrates with carnival rides, food and many more fun activities to do with your family. This tradition has been going on for about 34 years at the Santa Maria Fair Park. Have you ever been to the strawberry festival? If you haven’t it’s a really fun place to go with your family, friends, or your pets. You won’t get bored with all the fun activities they have ground the park.

Santa Maria Strawberry Festival, Santa Maria, CA, 4/26-4/28 | Go Country Events

This following month on April 28 the strawberry festival will be open to the public at Santa Maria Fair Park. I recommend going if you get a chance to go. Specially if you like strawberry’s their yummy strawberry’s everywhere and places to buy them to support the companies.