Autum is here it’s coming lately the weather been acting up and has not been feeling that autumn vibe with the breeze of the cold air and the decorations around the store in your hometown. There has been a set of new candy combinations for Halloween candy like new recommendations. We need more Halloween spirit coming to play because we need to feel it’s near it’s here it’s Halloween. Commercial like recess’s has been casting on tv showing they are ready for Halloween. Also new Halloween movies need to be showing more in the movies or at least. I been having a sweet tooth have you what came to mind decorative Halloween cookies like Frankenstein spooky ghost and lastly pumpkin.
Autum is so very beautiful it has a range of colors you have red, green, yellow. browns where we all know the time of year autumn. Cozy and warm wear is the way to go when you step outside of the house. Favorite part to is when you get to drink warm drinks like latte and coffee in the morning.