There are many great films to choose from when you want to get into the spooky spirit. The #1 top pick for people is Hocus Pocus, of course.
Hocus Pocus is a story about a boy named Max, his friend Allison, and his sister Dani. These kids explore an abandoned house in Salem, Massachusetts. Allison tells the others a story about the Sanderson sisters who were all witches. Max does not believe this story about a candle being lit by a virgin that will bring the evil spirits of the sisters back to life. He lights the black candle and things get bad. Throughout the movie the kids meet a cat named Binx and a zombie named Billy who helps them try to steal the witches spell book. Once Max, Allison, and Dani get ahold of the book, they are able to stop the witches from taking children souls and becoming immortal.