All right Seniors we’re a little over halfway done with the school year. Here is the events for this semester.
Feb 2- Surf vs. Ski Day
Feb 20-23- Grad Nite Ticket Sales
March 4- First round of Senior Assanation STARTS (NOT SCHOOL SPONSERED)
March 22- Disney Spirit Day
April 3- Secound round of Senior Assanation STARTS (NOT SCHOOL SPONSERED)
April 19- Crocs vs Brikinstocks Day
April 27- Prom
May 3- Senior Ditch Day (NOT SCHOOL SPONSERED)
May 17- Grad Nite
May 21- Senior Awards Night
May 24- PowderPuff Game
May 25- Senior Sunset @ Beach (NOT SCHOOL SPONSERED)
May 31- Senior Sunset @ Football Field
June 5- Graduation Reherasal
June 6- Graduation