Our Gradnite tickets go on sale Feburary 20th-23rd, they are first come first serve, once they are reserved and buses are full there will be no additional tickets sold. The tickets are $300 it includes 1 day park hoper ticket and bus cost. Purchase at the Buisness office starting 8:00am Tuesday 02/20 before school, lunch time, and after school only. In order to be eligiable you must have no fees owed, a gpa 2.0 above or 18 or less unexcused absences. Some fun things to do at Disney is go to animation academy at CA adventure, watch radiator springs light up when the sun sets, check out the world of color at CA adventure, look for hidden mickeys around the park, see the princesses at the left side of the castle.Getting the Genie pass could be helpfu lwhen checking wait times and skip the lines at time.
Gradnite 2024
February 20, 2024
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About the Contributor

Briana Deras, Contributor
'm Briana and I'm a senior class of 2024. My favorite food is Mexican food and pasta and I also do nails and enjoy doing that in my free time. After high school I hope to succeed as an ultrasound technician.