Adam Cianciarulo is a 27 year old professional Supercross racer. He was born in Florida in 1996. Adam has been racing for the Pro AMA Motocross establishment since 2013. His 250 Supercross debut was in 2014 where he won his first round of the East Championship.
Cianciarulo has been notorious for being frequently injured. The injuries started in the 2015 SX season. He was able to recover in time to participate in the Motocross season, but a few rounds in, he got injured again and was sidelined for the rest of the season. That injury caused him to miss out on the entire 2016 Supercross season.
Up until 2018, he had an injury free run. At the end of that years season, he was injured again and was in need of a surgery. In his return to the 2019 Motocross season, he won the 250 class Championship.
For the next several years Adam would have on and off issues due to nerve damage in his hand and he would not fully finish very many seasons. in 2024, he was one of the top contenders in the Supercross season until he crashed and re-injured the same hand. He just announced, last week, that with these constant injuries he would not be able to continue racing competitively and professionally. He will participate in the remaining 5 rounds of the 2024 SX season, but that will be his end. After that, he will hang up his boots, ending his professional racing career.