In today’s time so many things are online which is amazing, it’s very convenient that you can shop from the comfort of your home. Sometimes I’m not in the moo to go to the mall and sometimes a lot of stores don’t have the clothing I’m looking for. Therefore, a lot of the clothes I have come from online shops. Because of the shipping I can usually get my clothes in less than a week from when I ordered. But I do like some online store more than others.
So, what are my favorite online shops? My first favorite online store is Fashion Nova. I like Fashion Nova because the clothes are very similar to my style. The clothes from Fashion Nova are also very affordable and good quality for the price. I also enjoy online shopping from Forever 21. I like clothing from this shop because the clothes are super trendy and affordable just like fashion nova. My last favorite would be Hollister only because they are a little pricey, but I believe the quality is worth it.