Lily of the Valley
Convallaria majalis or otherwise known as lily of the valley is a fast growing flower that are perfect for spring bouquets. It spreads extremely fast and can cause skin irritation to the touch and should not be in contact with humans or animals. Other names for Lily of the Valley are Our Lady’s tears, May Bells, and Mary’s Tears. They symbolize the return of happiness and are the birth flower for May.
Red poppy flowers often symbolizes consolation, remembrance, and death. They bloom in April and June. White poppies are used for funerals, they symbolize peaceful rest. Blue, pink, and purple symbolize success, luxury, and creativity. They have a sweet and citrusy scent.
Violets grow in warm and cold places. They smell sweet and come in purple, blue, white and yellow. They symbolizes love, fertility, loyalty, devotion, and faithfulness. They have a wide range with 500 vorties like bird’s foot violet, sweet violet, and dog violets. Violets are an edible flower and are regularly used in herbal medicates to help relive coughing, headaches, and inflammation. They are the Birth flower of February.