We have 14 days left of school. This is many seniors last time being in high school and it can be bittersweet. For me, I’m excited for summer break. Not just because I don’t want to be in school but because I’m excited for my future. Before moving to California, I had zero motivation for anything. I still struggle with procrastination to this day, but I’m working on myself to be better. A lot of changes have happened this year. This year I found I who I was, who to trust, and my priorities.
During my Junior year I found out what my family meant when they would say you find who you really are in high school. Thats a true statement that my life shows, but high school also shows you the kind of person you want to be. Friendships end and you realize what you liked in the person and what you didn’t. Life finally seems to make sense to me. I know now that i want to go to college and what career i want to have. I know the kind of people i want to have it my life. I know what I want, and I know how to get it.