IF is a comedy film to see with the family. It was directed by John Krasinski who also started in it as Bea’s dad. The movie is about a little girl named Bea (played by Cailey Fleming) who can see imaginary friends. How does she see imaginary friends exactly? It’s not explained. This movie throws emotional scenes in your face every time it can. When a movie tries to be deeper than it really is it becomes shallow.
By the end all the scenes that are ‘deep’ because less emotional. I did cry a bit once, when Bea read her poem to her dad when she thought he was gonna die I shed a few tears. I think the plot twist with Ryan Reynolds character, Cal, being an IF as pretty predictable, it was funny to see him in a clown costume though.
Visually this movie is beautiful, it was eye candy to watch. The scene where the home for retried IF’s changes because of Bea’s imagination was gorges and fun to watch. This movie was different than I anticipated. It had a lot of sad themes, it felt like there were more sad scenes than happy ones. Bea’s dad is sick and is in the hospital for almost the entire movie. I interpret her having a grown man as an IF as her missing her father and creating a father figure for herself. I don’t think I laughed but I get the humor wasn’t intended for my age so that’s not exactly a flaw for me.
If you have a younger sibling or someone in your life who likes movies like this, for example my mom LOVED this move then I think you should go have a watch. It wasn’t my favorite movie of the year but I think it was good, just good. The performances were great and it was just a fun watch.