Hi! I’m Camie Childress. I’m 15 years old and I’m going to tell you about the time I had a terrible experience while riding a wakeboard. If you don’t know, wakeboarding is a sport/activity you can do in the water. The best way to explain it is a bord, with boots you ride, while holding onto a spectra rope connected to the boat. Ever since I was little, I have loved wakeboarding. It was 1 day before my 14th birthday, my dad, my friend Tesa, my brother Calan, and I were on my boat in Nacimiento Lake. My feet position on the board is called “goofy”, this is when your right foot is Infront of the left.
I was on my toe side, cutting the water. While driving the boat my dad signals to get back into the wake because there were “waves” ahead. So, I start to lead onto the wake going fairly fast. Right when I get on the side of the wake, I get some air and start to lift up, but then the nose of the board gets caught in the water. So, this makes me levitate, then face plant forward on the water. I slapped my face so hard I clenched my jaw so hard I chipped around 5 of my teeth.
When my dad came back around to get me, I was crying so hard because my whole mouth felt like it was going to fall off. Personally, it was very scary and traumatized me for so long until these past couple weeks I did totally fine on my toe side. Moral of the story, listen to your dad and lift your toes up and lean back while wakeboarding.