Softball tryouts are starting up again. Softball I’m very passionate about it and I’ve been playing softball for about 12 years now but 2 years for Righetti. Softball is something I’ve put time into and have put effort into. Since tryouts are coming up I feel nervous but it’s not something I should be genially nervous about because I enjoy the sport and give it my all. At tryouts every year we start off by stretching then once were done we play catch I love playing catch it’s my favorite because when I play catch, I tend to think about how far I’ve come to get there and get to where I want to be. After were done playing catch we hit, and we get divided up into groups to hit in the cage live and shag and defense group. We get around 2 rounds and 6 swings which I dislike because I’d like to get more swings in by time were all done getting our reps in 7th period people are there and they hit, and we shag for them. Which I dislike because in my opinion it’s very boring. We do in field out field and that’s my favorite because all outfielders go to center and coach hits them to us well infield is in the infield. This is when me and my teammates just have so much fun and giggle so much, I would say it’s the best part at practice. After this we do pregame and pregame I get so serious in games and so nervous but since it’s tryouts I still somewhat get nervous, but I tend to talk to myself when I do, and just tell myself what to do in my head and then carry it on when the ball is hit to me. I don’t really like pregame because it’s such a scary and nervous feeling and if you mess up all eyes are on you so in my opinion, I don’t like pregame. After pregame we put everything away and clear the field and then we get a break tryouts are such like a scary feeling because you have to give it your all but not because I have to give it my all but it’s also because what if I don’t make it. I always give myself confidence through and say I can do it even if I feel like I can’t. Overall I do and don’t like tryouts for some parts.