The military is a great field for people who are determined and motivated to have a good life. People may be intimidated because they think they will be in harms way, but as it turns out, only 15% of jobs will be in combat zones, leaving the other 85% of jobs out of harms way, leaving you untouched and safe. The military offers so many benefits for all areas including schooling, housing, jobs, security, etc. If you would like to take your family to Disneyland, you will get coupons ad will pay less, if you need insurance and do not want to pay $1500 a month for a family of four, you can pay around $80 just for being in the military, if you need money for school the military has it covered, and so many more advantages if you plan to join the military.
There are five branches of military which include the marines, navy, airforce, army, and the newest branch, the space force held in Vandenberg. The marines are the front lines, the army is a ground force, the navy is out on sea, the airforce is stationed on ground, and the space force is stained on ground where they use satellites and work with NASA to look up into space. Do not be intimidated and look into the possibilities of this field. There are so many opportunities and such good plans for not only you, but for your entire family if you plan on going that route. Look into it and see if you like it especially if you do not know what you want to with your life for the upcoming future.