How to Participate and Get Involved!

December 7, 2020
With this school year being as unpredictable as it has been, it can be difficult to get a good grip on everything while keeping up with classwork, attending zooms, and being cooped up at home all day. This big weight of responsibility on our shoulders can make getting involved really hard, perhaps seeming impossible. For example, most students are so caught up in schoolwork and their home lives that they do not even realize what is given to them participate.

Extracurricular activities, events, and opportunities provided by outlets such as ASB are all examples of what is not nearly being taken advantage of. The probable cause of this lack of participation is most likely from the word of these events not being spread to student and them not knowing what they have available to them…

As stated previously, the Associated Student Body (ASB) has been working hard to provide and host a variety of these things this year despite circumstances. The majority of these events and activities are advocated on the Righetti Instagram Webpage, “@rhscatchthewave,” and will show up in your Canvas Inbox giving you the details. Past events include: Breast Cancer Awareness Week (Oct. 12th-16th), where students and teachers wear pink to their zoom classes, Wear Yellow on Zoom Week (Nov. 18th-20th)- symbolizes happiness and positivity, a virtual class competition on Instagram (Oct. 19th-23rd), a Fall Food Drive (Nov. 16th, 18th, & 20th), ASB Club Rush: Trunk or Treat (Oct. 26th), and more! You can also have a chance to be featured in the 2020-2021 yearbook if you go to the RHS yearbook’s Instagram page, ‘@rhsyb2021,’ where they post surveys to complete and opportunities to submit your photos to them!
If you missed those fun events and want to become more involved, make sure to stay updated by following both of the Instagrams provided and join the ASB remind by texting ‘@rhscatchth’ to 81010. When doing so, you will then be able to receive monthly school updates on what is going on! For more information check out rhscatchthewave’s website here.