What Skateboard to Choose

Brandon Plastino

If you are thinking about getting into skateboarding or want some information on buying your very first skateboard here is the place to look. Their are 6 components that go into a skateboard. Deck, trucks,  bearings, wheels, hardware, and grip tape. All of these things are preference and don’t matter too much to the beginner skateboarder, since they are new and don’t have a preference.

First I would like to talk about board size, I think everyone who has started skating should ride a size 8 board. It’s right in the middle and provides a basic idea whether you want to move up or down. Next is trucks, I can’t go too far into detail on preference. Just get the truck size for your size board and preference will come overtime. Lastly wheels are the third basic component and will be indicating what time of skating you will be doing. If you are planning on skating at the skatepark you might wanna go for a softer wheel, for street skating a harder wheel would be good. You can also get larger of smaller wheels, I would recommend all new skaters get smaller wheels as it helps you learn board control easier. For the rest of the skateboard bearings, grip tape, and hardware. It doesn’t matter at all but you will develop a preference overtime.

But if you aren’t sure you are gonna stick with it and just want something you can roll on and have fun with I would recommend a pre built skateboard. They are only about $100 and comes pre made. I would not suggest getting a pre built skateboard from a big store like Walmart or target. The components are so poorly made that they can result in injury’s just from rolling on them. The bearings are so bad that they barley even roll. So get these pre built skateboards from your local skate shop or a trusted skate shop online.

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