Nostalgia in Life

Brandon Plastino

The game minecraft to most people would just look like a children’s game. But to most kids who grew up in 2010 this game is very familiar to you. To everything from the soundtrack, biomes  and mobs. It’s all Nostalgia and is a window to your childhood.


Like many kids I started playing video games around the age of 6 or 7. One of the games that caught my eye was minecraft. But back then it wasn’t really developed and was just starting to get popular. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into until I played it for the first time.The world is relentless; it would throw would it could at me to get me discouraged. But with the soothing sound the music playing in the background it’s hard to put down the controller. It taught me to be patient and to work hard for something. Like that one house you wanted to build or the boss you wanted to take down. But with the game being digital and me playing on the same account for most of my childhood. All of the world were saved and I recently logged into one of those worlds that I played so many years ago. When life was different and I was in my early childhood. Worlds that I built with friends that I don’t talk to anymore. It’s sad to say that I’m almost an adult now and those memories fade further and further away. Don’t be sad about how things were but be happy that they happened.


So I encourage everyone minecraft or not. Whether it’s old family photos or videos; Watch them to keep the memories fresh in your head. So you can look back on life after it flies past you.