

Saige Sewell, Writer

An octopus is a soft bodied, 8 limbed mollusc. there are over 300 different species of octopus and they are bilaterally symmetrical. They have two eyes and a beak in the middle of their 8 tentacles. Due to their soft body, and octopus can fit through small gaps and fit in small crevices. The Giant Pacific octopus is one of the most commonly known specie of octopus. The average adult weight is around 33 pounds with and arm span of about 14 feet. The largest Giant Pacific Octopus ever recorded weighed 156.5 pounds. There are different octopus species in every ocean. They all have adapted to different habitats and ways of living. Some species live in shallow tide pools, coral reefs, shallow seagrass beds, and some have adapted to the cold depths. Nearly all octopus species are bottom feeders. They feed on things like crustaceans, polychaete worms, and different mollusks like clams and whelks. This animal is highly intelligent. They have excellent long and short term memory and are good at problem solving. Octopus’ are also able to camouflage. They do this by adjusting the reflectivity of its skin cells. They do this when hunting for food, when they feel they are in danger, and also to warn other octopus’. The lifespan of an octopus can vary depending on the specie. Some only live for about 6 months while others can live up to 5 years. According to AZ Animals Octopus’ are the 8th smartest animal in the world.