RHS’s Ballet Folklorico and Marimba Band 43rd Annual Big Show

Righetti’s own Ballet Folklorico and Marimba Band has hosted their 43rd annual Big Show after two years. The groups performed songs from Baja California, Chihuahua, Chiapas, Sinaloa, and Jalisco. The dancers had gone all out showing off all their hard work, as well as the band members.

Corazon de la Costa

The show begins with special guests Corazon de la Costa performing songs from the region of Sinaloa, with the Righetti folklorico group opening after that.

Baja California:

  • Frontera/ El Potro
  • El Cerro de las Abejas
  • Mi Baja California
  • Boda de Cuitlacoche

Righetti’s Marimba: Sung by Maria

  • Adios Amor
  • Lampara Sin Luz
  • Crei

Ballet Folklorico – Chihuahua:

  • La Loca
  • Las Gallinitas
  • Luz y Sombras

Marimba band:

  • El Jabali
  • El Alacaraban

Ballet Folklorio + Marimba:

  • Las Chiapanecas
  • El Rascapetate
  • El Piri

Then after the great performance from the region of Chiapas, the show takes a quick 20 minute intermission where the attendees take a break. While dancers and band member are allowed to go say hi before having to go backstage to start the next region, Sinaloa.

Ballet Folklorico – Sinaloa:

  • Intro- El Sauce y la Palma
  • La Cuichi
  • El Toro Mambo

Marimba Band:

  • Te Quiero – Sung by Leo
  • No Dejes Que- Sung by Maria
  • Tren al Sur- Sung by Maria
  • Luz del Dia- Sung by Leo

Ballet Folklorico- Jalisco:

  • La Mariachi
  • El Polvorete
  • Las Alazanas

As a final section for the marimba band, They play a tribute to the late ranchero singer Vicente Fernandez with the songs:

  • Volver Volver- Sung by Leo
  • Hermoso Carino – sung by Maria
  • La Lat del Monte – sung by Leo

Now coming to the end of the show the ballet folklorico dancers perform their final song. However this last performance is danced by the seniors of the group Ana Espinoza(performed on Friday), Geraldy Fuentes Maganda,(performed on Friday) Sarai Rodriguez( performed on Friday and Saturday), Marissa Cuellar(performed on Saturday), and Kathy Hermenegildo Maganda(performed on Saturday).

Ballet Folklorico [Seniors]:

  • El Jarabe Tapatio

With that the show came to an end, BUT on Saturday April 2nd right after the audience participation. Mr. Gabaldon calls up all the Seniors of 2022, along with the Seniors of 2020, for a speech thanking the dancers for all their hard work and for joining the group, wishing them well for years to come. Now that concludes the Ernest Righetti High School Ballet Folklorico and Marimba band’s 43rd annual BIG SHOW!