Finals/Graduation Week Schedule

May 31, 2022
We have reached the final stretch of this school year, and that means these next two weeks will be very busy for everyone. This week, 5/30, is the last regular week of school we will have. Next week,6/7, we will end out the year on finals schedule. Monday will be first, sixth, and seventh period. Tuesday will be second and third. Then Wednesday is the last dat of the year and it will be fourth and fifth period. Graduation is Thursday June 9th, at 1;00pm on the football field.
Important Graduation Information
Graduation Rehearsal- June 8th @ 1:00p.m in the gym
Graduation- June 9th @ 1:00p.m
For Students– Report to the am at 11:30a.m. with your cap and down in hand, leave all personal property in your car. Only school authorized cords, sashes or medallions may be worn. No writing or decorations on caps. Once checked in, pick up your name card and proceed to line up
•Noise makers, signs, balloon bouquets, beach balls or noise distractions are prohibited
•The west parking lot is Reserved or Seniors until 11:30a.m
•Appropriate Attire: all grads must wear the school sanctioned cap and gown. Ladies: Dress, skirt or slacks, blouse, and dress (Flats or wedge heel shoes only). Gentlemen: Dress shirt and tie. slacks, and dress shoes
•Grad Photos: Campus Candids will take your picture as you cross the stage to receive your diploma cover and as you exit the stage. Photos may be purchased through Campus Candids. Purchasing information will be available closer to graduation
For Parents and Guests– Stadium seating will open at 12:00p.m. and will be first come first serve basis. You will not be allowed to mark off rows or save seats
•Parking is available on campus and on the grass practice field starting @11:30a.m. Practice field parking may be accessed from Bradley Rd. Disabled parking spaces will be available for those who have a disabled parking placard or plate. Parking will be accessed through Bradley Rd. entrance and then directed to the outdoor courts. The top row on the home side of the stadium has wheelchair access.
•No food or beverages allowed
•Balloons banners Noise Makers Noise makers, signs, balloon bouquets, beach balls or other distractions are prohibited
•Post ceremony guests will not be allowed on the stadium field after the ceremony. Graduates will be released to the west parking lot immediately following the ceremony.