Righetti FFA Celebrates Halloween with All Ages
Every year in October, Righetti FFA puts on an annual pumpkin patch for kindergarten and first-grade students from local schools and daycares. Over two-hundred agriculture, students help out every year at this event, as this is one of the largest events put on by Righetti FFA. On average, around three to four-hundred students attend Kinderpatch, where they get to play games, pick out their own pumpkin, and even see a petting zoo. They also get to learn about animals, plants, and crops while engaging in fun, hands-on agriculture activities.
For students on campus, this is a great way for them to earn community service hours while interacting with the children of the local community. For FFA members, this is a way for them to be granted the State FFA Degree, which requires twenty-five community service hours. Volunteers also get a chance to make lasting connections with children, as many of them have never attended a pumpkin patch.
Kinderpatch is a great way for children to learn about agriculture. As volunteers, this teaches them responsibility, as the children look up to them as role models representing Righetti FFA. Everyone has fun at this event, and gets a chance to be a part of Righetti FFA’s biggest event of the school year.

12th GradeFrom a young age I was put into sports, like softball, basketball, and volleyball. Now in high school I play softball and golf. I have been playing...