Netflix Review: Cobra Kai Season 5 Part 1 (Spoilers)

September 16, 2022
Cobra Kai is finally back! With the new season, it is becoming one of the top 10 most viewed show on netflix. This show starts off with Chozen swimming in a pool at Daniel’s house. Chozen gets out of his morning routine and Amanda, Daniel’s wife, walks in on Chozen without any clothes on after swimming in the pool. After that situation Amanda went up to Daniel to see what was going on and why Chozen is at their house. Daniel confesses that he still hasn’t let the whole karate situation go after Silver (Co-Founder of Cobra Kai Karate) reuniting the dojo with Kreese. Kreese is the main founder of Cobra Kai Karate and recently got arrested for silver framing him for assaulting one of the older students of Cobra Kai Karate when it was Silver that assaulted the student. The student went by Sting-Ray and made Kreeses life miserable in jail. But it wasn’t his fault because Silver threatened Sting-Ray into making Kreese guilty so he can carry Cobra Kai. Meanwhile with all this karate situation happening still, we see that Miguel has arrived to Mexico safely. Last time season 4 left off was when Miguel decided to go look for his dad in Mexico. When Miguel arrives, he starts asking a couple people for directions to a specific address. While everyone says no this dude that seems to be in his 30s insist on helping Miguel. Keep in mind this random dude wasn’t alone. He had 3 extra people with him to jack Miguel’s belongings which is in his backpack. The way this dude did this was he distracted Miguel using a map to help him find the location he ask looking for, had one of his assistance take off his backpack sitting right next to Miguel, and had Miguel pay the dude that helped him look for the location to find his dad. Miguel pays off $5 to the man but the man asks, “So now that you payed for the directions, how are you going to pay off your bag.” Miguel didn’t have anything else to do because it was 4 older men he was about to try to go up against but he decided to pay whatever he had left in his wallet but the man being a little kind, he decided to leave around $20 with him so he wont run out of supplies. After Miguel takes his bag and walks away, we see Robby and Johnny finally entering the village Miguel was in but there was a problem. Johnny got cut off on the road making him pull over to a forest because his tire was popped and the hood on the inside was smoking. So what they did was they found a ride to the village Miguel was in successfully. And that’s where I’m going to leave off for article 2. That is the Netflix show I reviewed for article 2.