Netflix Review: Cobra Kai Season 5 (Part 2 Article 3) (Spoilers)
September 22, 2022
Leaving off from the last article was when Johnny and Robby traveled about 1000 miles to Mexico to look for Miguel. Keep in mind Robby doesn’t know him and his dad didn’t travel 1000 miles to look for Miguel. When Robby and Johnny arrive to the small town Miguel is in and Johnny tells Robby he brought him with Johnny so Robby and Miguel can sort things out. Robby was frustrated his dad didn’t tell him he was looking for Miguel just because Miguel wants to find out who his father is. Johnny apologized to Robby for bringing him hundreds of miles out to Mexico to look for Miguel and says he has an option to get a ride home. Johnny even gives him money for the bus ride and Robby walks off away from Johnny. Now that Robby walked to wherever he plans on going Johnny starts giving a description of what Miguel looks like and asks a couple people have seen him around. Most villagers said no but he came across these 4 surfers that lead to any where your trying to go. The Leader that leads the surf group offers Johnny to show him where his location is at and where he needs to go arrive there. The Leader of the surf group pulls out a map and lays it flat on one of the members of the surf group back. While Johnny is getting distracted by the map directions, one of the other members try to pick pocket Johnny’s wallet. Johnny feels the guy trying to take his wallet so he busted some karate moves on him and the whole surf crew. After Johnny wipes the whole squad out for trying to scam him he continued to go to the address suggested on the map to start looking for Miguel. That is what my article 2 is about.