water supply in school

September 21, 2022
Last year we were able to get tiny water bottles two times a day and now we get none unless paid for or we bring our own. This is completely unreasonable. The students already have their own responsibilities and now if they forget their water one day they have to be dehydrated all day unless they have two dollars or drink water that is foggy and tastes unsafe and most of the times are covered with other students leftovers from lunch? It’s unfair because in order for our brains to function, we need water.
How can the school say they support us and our education when they don’t give us the essentials then they make water two dollars, not many parents are happy with this nor are the teachers. The students are the ones that suffer and yet they have almost no voice. Many students I have talked to complain about this too. I have spent at least ten dollars here at school just for the necessity of water. How do they expect students to do well in class if their body is not hydrated? I mean its scientifically proven that the brain needs water in order to function. Does the school and district not listen to this or the students or how about the parents? I understand there can be troubles with money but come on, the students need water not 4 TV’s in one classroom. We are grateful for the water fountains but they’re unsanitary. More than half of them taste like paint and are foggy and according to myownwater.com that’s not safe or okay. We by law are forced to come to school so we deserve to at least have the essential for our brains to function. The vending machines are using for too much money for one regular sized water. Other schools are doing fifty cents or a dollar but we are asked to double that, a water bottle in Costco cost less, this is just abuse of power. They know kids will want water and become desperate so two dollars at the time does not seem like much but it is. If you buy a water maybe 4 times a month because you forgot your bottle then you’ve spent eight dollars. Where does the school expect this money to come from? From parents who have other stuff to pay for? From students who will stress themselves out with school, homework, and now a job? We have walls covered in white boards and 4 TV’s in every classroom and all of a sudden we don’t have money? wonder why? almost every single teacher I’ve seen doesn’t use their whiteboards that much either so money was wasted there. There is no need for four TV’s, maybe two is helpful but four is just unnecessary. The vending machines are an another expense. The school may be earning more than spending on the vending machines, but if the school has money for vending machines in every corner how can they not have money for free small water bottles. There are priorities and providing water to ALL students no matter what should be one not what colors the school buildings are. Personally though, that’s just me and my points of why school water bottles should be free.