Grapevine 10/1/19

Michel Rathwell

A pumpkin is a gourd-like squash and is native to North America. They typically have a thick, orange or yellow shell, creased from the stem to the bottom, containing the seeds and pulp. Pumpkins are widely grown for commercial use, and are used both in food and recreation. Pumpkin pie, for instance, is a traditional part of Thanksgiving meals in the United States, and pumpkins are frequently carved as decorations around Halloween. A pumpkin that has a little face carved in it and hollowed out and decorated with candles inside is known as a jack o’lantern; these are often used at Hallowe’en, for example, to decorate windows.

Today during lunch on the gym stage Jesus Club will be meeting. We are a club focused on building our faith and making a positive impact. Pizza is provided. All are welcome!

· West Side Story auditions begin this week. You haven’t missed anything yet! Auditions for Righetti will be on our campus, THIS Thursday, Oct 3rd, at 3:15pm in room 403.

· The gym is now open at lunch for Intramural sports. There is soccer on Mondays and Tuesdays and Basketball on Thursdays and Fridays.

· Do you need help with homework? Are you struggling with a particular subject? Tutoring is available from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the library.

· PSAT=practice for the REAL SAT. Practice makes perfect. Do you want to go to a great college? Practice with the PSAT! On sale $16 or you might be able to waive the fee. See. Mrs. Buchon. Test will be here on October 16th…selling fast…limited amount. Hurry!

· Are you interested in a career as pilot? An F-16 Pilot will be coming to campus on Oct. 9 to talk about a career as a pilot and the air force. There will be Giveaways for audience members! If you are interested, please sign up with Mr. Solis in the Career Center.