State Champions Heading to Indianapolis

Righetti High School’s FFA program is home to the 2022 State Champion Poultry Team. In May of 2022, Savannah Taylor, Jada Sanchez, Adrena Longoria, and Jenny Perez were named state FFA Poultry Evaluation CDE champions out of fourteen other teams in the state. Taylor was ranked first and Sanchez was ranked third overall in the state contest at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
Next month, the four will compete in the National FFA Contest in Indianapolis, Indiana. Longoria, who placed 11th overall, states, “The excitement and adrenaline rush being announced as State Poultry Champions was through the roof. None of this could be possible without our great
mentor and coach/supporter Ms. Amy Guerra. All of the after-school team study sessions and late-night studying finally paid off.”
The contest evaluates past production hens, meat production birds, eggs, and other processed products up to USDA standards. The four used their knowledge on the poultry industry during the contest. They also gave an oral presentation on their knowledge of turkey carcasses and egg-laying hens to poultry industry professionals from Southern California.

12th GradeFrom a young age I was put into sports, like softball, basketball, and volleyball. Now in high school I play softball and golf. I have been playing...