Movie Review: Top Gun Maverick Part 2

October 25, 2022
The Rookies of the Top Gun team are surprised Maverick is their captain. They are surprised because this is the same guy they threw out of the bar. Maverick does a presentation saying that they are going to work harder than ever. Maverick throws the rookie book in the trash and goes straight for the advanced training because they have 3 weeks to train for this mandatory mission. The first training he is giving is called “Basic Fighter Maneuvers” where they have to practice dog fighting with their F18 jets using guns only, no missiles. Their max feet the cocky rookies have to fly at is 5000 feet. Working as a team they have to shoot Maverick down and they complete the first training exercise. If Maverick shoots any of the team members down, they lose. Payback makes a bet saying, “Whoever gets shot down first has to do 200 push-ups”. Maverick says that is a lot of push-ups being confident he will shoot down the whole team of rookies. Maverick then says, “You got yourself a deal, gentlemen” and then the real fight starts. Payback, making that deal, is Maverick’s first target. When Maverick is about to get his first target acquired, rooster comes in saving Payback’s life. Rooster’s altitude (monitor of how many feet he is above the ground) starts to decrease by hundreds of feet and immediately pulls up. Maverick pulls up too and locks on Rooster meaning that is a kill. When Maverick locks on to an enemy, it means that the person is dead and cannot get out of that. Rooster lands and starts doing his required push-ups. While he is doing his push-ups, his teammates make fun of him by taking a picture of Rooster doing his push-ups making him annoyed. Maverick comes up on Fritx and locks on to him meaning he is dead too. Now Fritz is doing his required push-ups. Then Maverick starts locking on to alot of rookie pilots making them all do push-ups. Phoenix, Bob, and Hangman get popped up by Maverick. Phoenix and Bob being in the same jet break right while Hangman goes up. Maverick catches up to Phoenix and Bob and locks onto them. Now Hangman being cocky he is tries to lock on Maverick. Hangman goes straight up to the sky being blinded by the sun and asking for Phoenix’s help. Phoenix reminds him that she is dead and cannot do anything in Hangman’s situation. Maverick then goes up with Hangman and locks onto Hangman meaning he is now dead. After taking him down, Maverick gets Omaha and Coyote. Rooster then goes for another shot of Maverick’s little game and Maverick start getting into a dogfight while Hangman is wondering what is with Maverick and Rooster. Rooster and Maverick start flying straight down to the ground. Their altitude starts to decrease and decrease meaning they are about to hit the floor. Maverick is still not giving up on Rooster while going down. Rooster decides to pull up and so is Maverick. Rooster keeps taking long to trying to take the shot on Maverick. Maverick then says, “Too late. You had your chance.” then flips his jet over Rooster making him right behind him and acquires the lock onto Rooster’s jet meaning they have completely failed the Basic Fighting Maneuvers training. Now Rooster has to do another 200 push-ups making him disappointed and upset at Maverick. That what my second part of Top Gun Maverick is about.