What its like to have a project car
October 26, 2022
not everyone is into cars, but people who have had a taste of what it’s like to own a project car, you will know about all the ups and downs of it. but i will start off with the journey of actually finding your car, this alone can have a lot of categories in which you will be looking within. Such as what kind of car you want, what year, what condition, price, reliability, location, body style, interior, and a lot of other things that could affect what you want in that project. for example me personally, i have a 1984 chevy pickup, this is the car I’ve wanted for a while and i finally was able to get it in December of last year. it came with around 220 thousand miles and an ok condition interior and exterior it ran and drive and its relatively reliable. it did cost a pretty penny but in my opinion for the condition of the truck it was a good price. so far i have done a quite a bit of work to it, inside and out. i still have more plans but when you start doing things to the cars, it gets expensive quick. the little things add up to big prices. but in the end its something that you accomplished and did yourself so i personally think its worth it. i have even went as far as made a tiktok acct for my truck so people can follow the process of what I’ve done to it @thegreatscottk20 .