The Last Of Us, is it as good as the game?

February 9, 2023
The last of us is my favorite game of all time no competition whatsoever, after that, it would probably be followed by god of war some of the older COD but that’s not what I’m going to talk about I’m going to talk about the new HBO show “The Last Of Us”. it is based on the 2013 PlayStation exclusive game called of course the last of us, usually, when producers try to make a show off a game they mess it up terribly, either with the casting or just with the show in general, they usually make it far too different from the game or they don’t go into enough detail with the show or they just mess it up in some way. however, I personally think they are doing an amazing job with the show. the casting is perfect, a lot of people are having mixed reviews on the person who plays Ellie, Bella Ramsey, in the show because she doesn’t look like the girl in the game, however, I think she plays her extremely well and is an amazing actor. as well as the person they cast for Joel, Pedro Pascal, he plays him amazing as well. with the actual show itself, they are doing great with keeping it close to the actual game while going into more detail than the game did but also not dragging it out, they made it so far the perfect combination of new, but keeping it to the game without going to far off track, but also adding enough new detail to make it seem fresh so it’s not a copy and paste. They also did an amazing job with the prosthetics and makeup in the show everything looks amazing, in my full honest opinion i think they really outdidthemselves with this show, I hope to continue to do amazing work, naughty dog and sony just knocked out of the park. there are new episodes every Sunday at 6 pm pst on HBO I would highly recommend that you play the game first however you can watch the show first as well then play the game after.