Video Game Review: COD Warzone 2 (Article 6)

Video Game Review: COD Warzone 2 (Article 6)

Damien Frutos, Writer

Warzone 2 is a first person/third person free for all game. In the game, you have options to play third person battle royale/first person battle royale modes like solos, duos, trios, and squads. Every game the goal is to eliminate online players one by one till you’re the last player standing. The map in Warzone 2 is big, but there are 100-150 players landing at different spots of the map to gain loot such as, weapons, ammo, lethal, armer, and meds. With the loot you get from bags, boxes, or landmarks, you can use the loot you get to win the game. The frames on the game are decently clean for current gen consoles but improve better if you have a new gen console. Overall, this game is easily at my top 2 game I like the most.